Other Academic Activities


From 2020 to 2023: Foundations for Finance - Tutorial, Master Level, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

International Banking Library

Since 2019, I have been supporting Lena Tonzer in updating and maintaining the IBL Website and preparing our quarterly newsletter. 

"The International Banking Library is a web-based platform for the exchange of research on cross-border banking. It provides access to data sources, academic research, both theoretical and empirical on cross-border banking, as well as information on regulatory initiatives. The International Banking Library is associated with the International Banking Research Network (IBRN), a research network of Central Banks worldwide." 

Sign up here for our quarterly newsletter!

European Banking Union Directives Database and European Capital Market Database

A positive spillover of my research on the European Banking Union and the harmonization of EU capital markets is a collection of implementation dates by country of the main directives implementing the EBU as well as a database of legislative acts implementing the 2015 Capital Markets Union action plan.

The European Banking Union directives database is available in excel and stata formats here. A description of the data and collection process is included in our paper:  Krause, Sfrappini, Tonzer, Zgherea (2024). How do EU banks’ funding costs respond to the CRD IV? An assessment based on the banking union directives database. IWH Discussion Papers No. 12/2024.

A note on the implementation of the Capital Markets Union is available here along with the data files in excel and stata formats. 

Climate finance data sources

For those interested in working on climate finance, here is a collection of data sources on physical and transition risks that have been used in recent studies or are available for future ones. 

I am always looking to update this list and expand it, so if you know other sources let me know!