Welcome! My name is Eleonora Sfrappini and I am a PhD candidate in the Financial Markets department at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) in Halle, Germany. My advisors are Michael Koetter and Lena Tonzer.

My research interests are in banking, climate finance, and financial regulation. My work spans two broad topics. The first focuses on climate transition risks and credit allocation. I explore this topic from two angles, investigating how banks consider their borrowers’ transition risks and how borrowers exposed to transition risks adjust to changes in access to funding. The second topic concerns financial regulation and the impact it can have on banks’ funding costs and lending choices.

📢 Starting from August 2024, I will join the University of St Andrews Business School as Lecturer in Finance.

Quick Links:  CV     Research

Contact: Eleonora.Sfrappini@iwh-halle.de

News and highlights:

June 2024: I was nominated as one of the finalists of the ECB Young Economist Prize

May 2024: I successfully defended my PhD thesis "Four Essays on Banking, Climate Risks, and Financial Regulation" at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg!

Oct 2023: My paper "Financial Constraints and Emission Intensity" was awarded the 2023 FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Research Grant              ➡️ Check out the video!

May 2023: I visited the London School of Economics and Political Science hosted by Prof. Martin Oehmke